Followers on Twitter

Twitter users know it's easy to lose control of who we're following – which means losing control of our newsfeeds.

We try to keep our newsfeeds useful to get value out of Twitter. This means keeping an eye on who we follow. Our Twitter had gotten a little bit out of hand, so we needed something to clean out some of the accounts we were following.

It can be time consuming to do it manually. We heard about a product recently that does this well. It's the above-linked Crowdfire. So far, we like it.

You can unfollow all inactive users and you can unfollow people that don't follow you back. If you are finding yourself with a messy Twitter newsfeed, we recommend checking out Crowdfire. It's quick and easy. 5 mins a day, for about a week or two should do the trick.

Thanks to our friend Hailley for this recommendation!